Thursday, December 1, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving, Day…31! Prayer

I still have many things to give thanks for, so I’m extending the original 30 days of November into December.

Today, I give thanks to God for the gift and privilege of prayer. That God leaves the line open on His end is amazing to me! The Bible is full to overflowing with references about prayer and invitations to pray. Eyes open, eyes closed. Out loud or just in thought. Standing, sitting, kneeling, lying down. In church. In the car. At home. Sitting at a computer, typing on a keyboard. In the middle of the night or the middle of the day. Pray.

If I was just a little more ambitious and creative, I might try to compose a poem--a la Dr. Suess and Green Eggs and Ham--about prayer. Maybe someone who reads this might do just that. If so, I hope I get to read it.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving us a communication device that is wireless, with an ever-renewable Power Source, having a signal that does not drop calls nor ever goes out of range. In fact, its range is unlimited! The technology is not new—it is ancient—but nothing has been invented that even comes close. It does not depend on electricity or batteries, towers or satellites. It works even under water!The only time the mechanism does not work is when we block the signal ourselves because of our sin (Psalm 66:18).

"Over." (see "Not 'Amen' But 'Over'" )


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