Wednesday, December 14, 2011

30+ Days of Giving Thanks, Day 44: God’s Forgiveness

Today I am thanking God for His mercy and forgiveness. I am a sinner. Though some people might consider that I am a "pretty good" person, I know that in God's eyes, I have fallen short of perfection, and I continue daily to "miss the mark." My failures, sins, selfish thoughts and actions, pride, and many more thoughts and deeds mount against me and accuse me. I am not now, have never been, and never will be "good enough." That is the grim reality I live with every day. 

What I am thankful for, though, is that despite my many sins, God is willing and wanting to forgive me. He have His Only Begotten Son, a Perfect Man because He, Jesus, is the Son of God, and in fact, God the Son in human flesh. His sacrifice for sins, not only for mine but for the sins of the whole world—everyone!—is a sufficient payment for sin. So, on the basis of what Jesus did when He died on the cross and rose again on the third day, forgiveness of sins (mine AND yours) is possible, if I will confess my sins and my sinfulness to God and ask for His forgiveness on the basis of Jesus' finished work on the cross, my sins have been forgiven and I stand before God clean and whole.

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for forgiving me for my many sins.

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