Monday, December 12, 2011

30+ Days of Giving Thanks, Day 42: GoodNews!

Today in my Thankfulness post I want to go back to my early pattern of being thankful for particular people that God has brought into my life. This weekend we had the "good fortune" at my church to have the Christian/Gospel quartet "GoodNews" (click HERE to "LIKE" GoodNews on Facebook!) I have been a fan, and a friend, of this group and its members almost from the time when they first began singing together. This quartet, which includes a husband-wife team and two friends, has "it"—that indefinable gift that goes beyond the excellent technical performance of music, the blending of unique voices and carefully rehearsed harmonies, and slick, polished stage presentation. These things are important, no question. But GoodNews has something more, and above, all of that. You might call it "chemistry" or "charisma" or something else. I call it the active presence and power of the Holy Spirit that introduces into a concert performance something transcendant.

In any case, I think of Al and Laurie, Russ and Annette, and Mark and Annette as my friends, and both together and individually they have blessed me, encouraged me, inspired me and challenged me to higher heights in my walk with Christ. They are musical artists, singers, songwriters, evangelists, encouragers, and servants of Christ. I am thankful for them and for their music ministry, and I wish that all of my friends everywhere get an opportunity to meet and hear this group sing. You will be blessed and enriched, and you, like me, will give thanks to God for GoodNews.

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