Wednesday, December 21, 2011

30+ Days of Giving Thanks, Day #51: Laughter

The ability to laugh, and occasionally to cause others to laugh, is something that I cherish. As a child, my home was filled with laughter. My mother had a distinctive laugh, which we heard often. My father loved to laugh also. They took turns playing the “straight man” for the other’s comic quips. One of the early lessons I learned was that “it is better to laugh than to cry.” Later on, I learned that laughing at myself is healthy; laughing at others is hurtful. These lessons have stuck with me and I still believe in their value.

Jesus Laughing
I believe in the therapeutic value of spontaneous and enthusiastic laughter. Yesterday in our Tuesday morning Bible study we all had a good, hearty laugh over something someone said, quite unexpectedly. It felt good! Several people mentioned how much better they felt after joining in an uncontrolled fit of laughing. I don’t understand the physiology of it, but I believe in it nonetheless. I’ve got theology to stand on here: Proverbs 17:22 declares that “A merry heart doeth good like a medicine: but a broken spirit drieth the bones.” (Authorized Version). Moreover, according to Psalm 2:4, God Himself laughs: "The One enthroned in Heaven laughs..."

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for the gift of laughing, for the ability to laugh, for sometimes helping other people to laugh, and for the things and the people who have caused or helped me to laugh.

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