Thursday, December 22, 2011

30+ Days of Giving Thanks, Day 52: The Dunnemans

A couple of weeks ago I wrote about the singing group GoodNews. Today, I am thankful for another music ministry, also friends of mine: Reg and Gretchen Dunneman, The Dunnemans. I was introduced to this unique duo for the first time by my father (yes, my father!) Reg and Gretchen quickly became good friends, and have become part of the Ashley family. They even joined us for the Ashley Family Camping Trip at Westcott Beach on Lake Ontario a few years ago! 

Reg and Gretchen worked with us at Montrose Bible Conference for several years, leading worship, teaching music workshops, and producing our variety show for Teen Camp in those summers that they were with us. Reg routinely beat me in tennis, though he was always gracious in victory. They have sung in our church several times, and we are due for another Dunnemans concert in the coming year, the Lord willing.
The Dunnemans tour up and down the East Coast, from Canada to Florida, and also travel to the Midwest often. Check their website for their current itinerary. They regularly tour in Florida during the winter months (good planning there!) and will stop and sing at retirement centers, community events, fairs, picnics, conferences and retreats in addition to the traditional church concert. Their music is great, and their message is always uplifting and encouraging. If you’ve never heard them, visit their website where you can hear samples of their music and order their recordings. If they are singing near you, drop everything and go hear them. Tell them Dennis sent you!

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for The Dunnemans. May you continue to watch over them, and may they continue to minister for you, bringing Your message of hope and reconciliation through faith in our Lord Jesus Christ.

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