Monday, December 26, 2011

30+ Days of Giving Thanks, Day 56: Toby

One year ago today, we picked up our new “child,” Tobias Maximillian Rudolph Ashley, the First. Toby, as we call him, is a mutt: part Golden Retriever, part Yellow Labrador Retriever. He’s a dog who believes he is a people. He has front paws that he believes are hands. He’s a big dog who thinks he is a lap dog.

Toby is a miracle in our family. Some would say that the miracle happened first in the heart of his “adopted mother”, Kelly (but please don’t tell Toby that he’s adopted!) We expected, after we said goodbye to Blackjack, never to have another canine child in the house, except maybe as “grandparents.” Imagine my surprise when Kelly announced, without warning, that we ought to get a new puppy for Christmas!

One year ago today, we went to select our new “baby.” Thinking it best to let Kelly be the first to connect with the puppy, I quietly suggested to Ryan and Matt that we should hang back, and let Kelly take the lead. From that first day, Kelly and Toby bonded in a way that Kelly and Blackjack never did. So we have a dog again. He likes the water…so much so that he learned how to climb the ladder to jump into the swimming pool. He loves to run, especially with a stick in his mouth, and the bigger the stick, the better he likes it. He sometimes runs, and sometimes prances around the yard.

I cannot explain what changed Kelly’s mind, but whatever it was, I’m glad it happened. There have been moments, and not just a few, that we have wondered if we lost our minds that day. For sure, we’ve lost our hearts to this crazy canine.

Video of Toby the WonderDog

Thank You, Heavenly Father, for giving us a new life to nurture and to love. Thank You for Toby.

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