Saturday, December 3, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving, Day 33: A Day With My Aunts Marty, Phyllis and Eileene

I am writing this post a couple of hours early (still Friday night right now) because I will be leaving early on Saturday morning to drive to Schoharie, NY, where I will meet my mother’s sisters, my Aunts Marty and Eileene, and my cousin Judy. We’ll then drive on to Wallingford, Vermont, where we will see my mother’s third sister, my Aunt Phyllis, and spend much of the day with her as she lays her late husband to rest.

Yes, these days, it’s mostly funerals and weddings that bring this family together—as is probably the case with most growing families. Even so, I’m glad for the opportunity to spend the day with these three remarkable sisters, who each will remind me of their other sister, my mother, Shirley, who has been in the presence of our Lord since the spring of 1984.

I expect that we will laugh together plenty during the day. We’ll swap stories, and I will show them pictures of my grandson, Eli, who is now 6 weeks old. They’ll fuss over the pictures and tell me who they think he resembles. I’ll nod in agreement (though I won’t see what they see!) and we’ll enjoy the day together.

These opportunities don’t come along often, and can’t be predicted with any reliability. I’m also thankful that I was able to clear my calendar for the day (others will decorate the church for Christmas without my pretty much useless help tomorrow) so that I can spend the day with them. Life is short, and these opportunities are too rare to pass up.

Thank You, heavenly Father, for allowing me to spend this day with my mother’s sisters. And, if it’s permitted, would you allow Shirley to peek in on us? Thanks.

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