Sunday, November 20, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving, Day 20: God's Word

Today I am departing from the pattern I've established in writing about the people God has brought into my life. I may not yet be finished writing about people, but today I want to meditate on, and write about, my Bible.

I've tried not to get "preachy" in these daily postings, and I'll continue to try to avoid that. I am simply thankful that I have Something to rely on as a Guide in living my life under the loving and watchful eye of God. The Bible, God's Word, is "a lamp for my feet, and a light for my path." (quoting from Psalm 119:105). Another verse from Psalm 119, verse 9, raises the question: "how shall a young man keep his way pure?" Not that I am a young man, but once upon a time, I was! Anyway, the question is then answered: "...By living according to Your word."

As a young boy, I was coached to memorize verses from the Bible. I was motivated, then, by points, prizes, and rewards. Like most children (and not a few adults), "Becasue it's good for you!" wasn't a sufficient motivator. Now, though, I realize that it was, and is, good for me, to "hide God's word in my heart, that I might not sin against God." (Psalm 119:11) God's Word, once imprinted in my mind and soul, continues to come to my mind in these days when I find myself wondering what's going on, and what I should do.

Now in my fifty-first year, I still find that I have much more to learn about and from the Bible than I have already learned. Moreover, I find that one of my greatest pleasures is to discover a new application of God's Word in my life experience, and to help others to discover the same. I thank God for His Word, living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword. (Hebrews 4:12).

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