Sunday, November 13, 2011

30 Days of Thanksgiving, Day 13: Colleagues in Ministry

Today I am thankful to God (when I say "I am thankful", I mean "I am thanking God" and not just chance, luck, the Great Spirit, Fate, or any other non-specific thing or being) for those who labor with me, whether up close or from a distance, in pastoral ministry in churches here in the Mid-Hudson Valley, around New York State, in the Tri-State area (NY-NJ-PA), and elsewhere.

Over the years I have made a number of friends who are now, or have been, pastors. A few of them have already gone on ahead into Glory, and are among the "cloud of witnesses" mentioned in Hebrews 12:1. Most, though, are still accessible to me, whether by e-mail, Facebook, phone call, or even face-to-face visit. We collaborate in sharing ideas, we rely upon one another when trying out new ideas, we commiserate with one another over common disappointments and challenges in ministry, we pray for and with one another, we laugh, we cry, and encourage one another.

As I write, and as I was composing today's entry in my head during my shower this morning (no singing for me today!) names and faces cycled through my thoughts. Even now they continue like a carousel slide projector (the precursor to a PowerPoint Presentation, for those who may need me to draw you a diagram...) but I hesitate to start listing names lest I unintentionally snub a dear friend by omitting his or her name.

Later today, at our Annual Mid-Hudson/Union Association of American Baptist Churches of New York State (just our name is a run-on sentence!), I will see some of the very colleagues I am writing about this morning. I am always glad to see them, and I always feel lifted up when I have talked with one or with several of them, or have read an e-mail, blog entry or Facebook post from them. I thank God for my co-laborers in ministry, my fellow pastors.

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you today for the men and women that You have called, prepared, appointed, anointed, empowered, and all the other things that You have done and always do to put Your servant in Your pulpit in Your church today. Bless each one especially today, and please let each one know that they are appreciated. Thank You, Father, for the gift of pastors, and especially those who are known to me. In Jesus' Name I pray this. Over...

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