Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Turning a Page...

This morning I turned the page on the calendar in our kitchen. August is over, and September is just beginning. One more reminder that time continues to march on, despite our efforts to slow it, stop it, or turn it back. I'm going to miss August 2010--it was a very good month!

Even so, I love the month of September. I always have. There are many reasons why, including the fact that September contains my birthday. Also, it contained my father's birthday, and it harbors my firstborn son's birthday, too. In fact, there are 7 September birthdays in my extended family, if you include my new daughter-in-law's (which, of course, I do.)

September is "back to school" month--something I always looked forward to (yes, I will now finally admit it, after the statute of limitations on students confessing that they actually like school has passed.) September is the time when summer gives way to autumn, and the nights are chilly while the days can still be pleasantly warm. The fresh smells of autumn are breaking on the breeze. Football season begins in earnest. Apples are ripe and ready for harvest--can fresh apple cider be far behind?

When it comes right down to it, September carries the promise of new beginnings much the way the first signs of spring bring relief and hope that the cold grip of winter is loosening.

Farewell, August 2010. You were mostly kind to me. Rest well wherever it is that past months go in retirement. Greetings, September! I welcome you with anticipation and hope!

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